RheoStream® FC

With RheoStream® FC, you can keep track of viscosity across a range of shear rates.

RheoStream® FC provides all the information derived from a flow curve.

RheoStream® FC reads outflow curve/viscometry data:

  • Viscosity (or shear stress) across a range of shear rates
  • Model-based rheology characteristics: Power-law: n, K; Bingham and Hershel-Bulkley: Yield stress (σ0) as well as n, K; Casson or other models on request


Alternatively, if you are today using e.g., a Brookfield or a Haake instrument, or a Stormer viscometer, we can set up your RheoStream® to convert the measurement to an estimate of equivalent values in the current QC method – just more precise.

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Fluidan ApS
Company register: DK36392355
Authorized representatives: Anders L. Østergård (CEO) or Fridolin Okkels (CTO) and Steen Hoff (Chairman of Board)


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