Examples of Use

RheoStream® is for manufacturers of non-Newtonian liquids who are seeking deeper process information for leaner and smoother manufacturing processes.

RheoStream has currently been developed to fit a range of liquids, including paint, detergent, soap, skincare, and sauces, which fits these criteria:

– Viscosity (@ 10 /s) 0.1-40 Pa·s (100-40.000 cPs) (at the temperature selected)

– Measures @ 20-40°C

– Liquids must be free from larger particles (>200µ)

– Flow curve/viscosity data is provided in a shear rate range between 1.5 s-1 and 1000 s-1

RheoStream® is developed for keeping rheology on track in production processes:

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Fluidan ApS
Company register: DK36392355
Authorized representatives: Anders L. Østergård (CEO) or Fridolin Okkels (CTO) and Steen Hoff (Chairman of Board)


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