Fluidan is continuously searching for new talent and getting fresh input from talented students. Now that universities are in session for the 2020-2021 school season, some students like Frederik Østergård Vilstrup and Tobias Lynggaard Hansen, both engineering students at DTU, are venturing out into the workforce experience and gather insight into their studies.

Tobias Lynggaard Hansen

Taking on his first work experience within an engineering company, Tobias reflects on his current studies as a guide to navigating his responsibilities at Fluidan:

“The assignments, meetings and “day to day” activities vary a lot from those I am used to as a student, and I have a lot more responsibilities than I would have expected. At first, it was overwhelming and slightly stressful, but as the first weeks went by, I started to get a hang on it, and I started to enjoy my tasks and work.

My biggest inspiration at work comes from discussions and corporation with colleagues. I learn a lot about the very complex instrument from this, and I also gain experience in construction consideration and design parameters.” Tobias Lynggaard Hansen, Intern at Fluidan Aps

Tobias is in his final bachelor year studying mechanical engineering, specializing in construction. Upon graduation, he plans to apply for a graduate program at DTU that offers him an opportunity to focus on fluid dynamics concerning wind turbines.

Tobias enjoys the collaborative effort between the Fluidan team, especially since they do so from the perspectives of their varying academic backgrounds and has stated, “…working in Fluidan has given me an insight into how people with different backgrounds and expertise can cooperate towards a common goal. I am impressed with how efficiently we can solve problems by including people from different fields.” Working together through the sharing of ideas is a core value at Fluidan, and we’re happy to include you, Tobias!

Frederik Østergård Vilstrup

With just over a year to go until graduation, Frederik Vilstrup is a 5th-semester mechanical engineering student, specializing in energy. Frederik enjoys the problem solving related to design and process optimization that he has experienced during his internship at Fluidan and takes his experience with us as inspiration for his career path and further says:

“I find it very inspiring to deal with the particular problems we deal with at Fluidan. Some of the problems we face every day have never been seen before. Therefore, it’s necessary to think in a new way to find solutions to problems no one ever had to deal with before. It’s both challenging & interesting to deal with these problems. I feel like I learn a lot & it keeps me motivated having to think out of the box almost every day.” Frederik Østergård Vilstrup, Intern at Fluidan Aps

Once he’s finished with university, Frederik wants to design energy plants, optimize production processes, or components/systems focused on fluid flow rheology. We’re happy that Frederik can be motivated by what he’s learning at Fluidan and hope that we can continue to challenge him!

On behalf of the Fluidan, we welcome Frederik and Tobias to the team. We look forward to their collaborations with the rest of the team!